Category Archives: Hey Jude


July 7, 2015

Hey Jude


I can’t believe our baby boy is one. ONE! He’s all grown up and going off to collage this fall. In all seriousness though, Jude is Mr. independent. He wants to do + figure things out on his own and he’ll let you know it too … Well, this is all except for when it comes to eating or drinking by himself. For this, he still enlists on help from mom + dad. You would think that being in the zero percentile (yes, zero :-0) he would be a picky eater, but quite the contrary. Jude loves trying new foods and likes almost everything he tries. Jude can say: mama + dada, hey, yay, mmmmmm, baba (bottle or bye-bye), ka-ka (something gross). nah-nah (night-night) Jude can: wave hello + goodbye, “raise the roof”, clap, point, shake his head no, wave his pointer finger no, walk around furniture (not yet walking on his own).




I made Jude an orange + camomile + lavender cake that was really tasty with toy dinosaurs on top. This guy was all manners though and wouldn’t dream of eating his large slice of cake placed right in front of him on his highchair tray on his own. No Sir-ree Bob. He was dignified and only ate from a fork held by mom + dad (even thought I secretly wanted him to make a mess of it) … moreover, he really just thought the cake felt weird and slimy in his hands.

We love you, Juder-bug! Now do us a favor and stop growing up so fast!

back into action // Mama, Jude, + his Dinosaur

June 30, 2015

Hey Jude / Wore


It’s a new week and I’m officially, officially back. There are still kinks being worked out including a few problems with email subscribers getting transferred (if you are no longer getting updates, feel free to re-subscribe). Just starting out with something simple and sweet while trying to get back into the rhythm of things. So … Here. We. Go.

Mama, Jude, + his dinosaur.






Summer Shoulder-Tie Jumpsuit, Madewell. Sweater, Madewell (similar). Grosgrain Mini Boater Hat, Urban Outfitters . Jude’s Dinosaur, Amazon 

weekend in deer valley – park city

June 3, 2015

Hey Jude / Photographs

weekend 6

Time has slipped away from me and taken this blog with it. Good news though. In seven-ten days, Chalk White Arrow will be getting a new look on a new platform. It’s really time to freshen things up and start new. Time for more frequent blog posts placed on a modern and simple layout. Speaking of time, we took this weekend vacation up in Deer Valley / Park City almost a month ago?!?! I can’t believe it’s been that long.

weekend 13
weekend 1
weekend 12
weekend 10
weekend 11
weekend 9

On our trip, Jude suddenly decided to become a pro napper and pro eater, so we spent a lot of time hanging out at the lodge. It had gorgeous views of a lake and ski slope … let’s just say, I’m not complaining.

weekend 7
weekend 3
weekend 2
weekend 4
weekend 15
weekend 16
weekend 14

It was still the off season in Park City, so it was really pretty quiet walking up and down main street. We ate at Vinto for lunch one day and we’re actually the only people in there. Jude took it upon himself to become very well aquatinted with our cute waitress. We kept our weekend erring on the side of low-key. We walked the streets during the day, stoping in at eateries for lunch, window shopping at funky shops, and taking lots of breaks for naps. We rented a few movies and takeout during the evenings and got plenty of sleep. Kramer loved running around the lake and having large windows inside he could watch out of. It was a really beautiful weekend.


May 15, 2015

Hey Jude


At eleven months old Jude…
– loves climbing on furniture
– loves trying new foods
– refuses to hold his own bottle or put food in his own mouth … Any tips?
– crawls in and out of tiny spaces and likes to spend time under chairs or benches
– claps his hands for yay – waves hello and goodbye – makes a sucking motion with his mouth when he wants to eat – shakes his head from side to side when he is done with something – points at everything
– loves playing with those toy cars that you pull backwards to make go … we were was amazed how quickly he figured that out
– sleeps through the night (most nights)
– has four teeth
– is incredibly determined
– loves carrying around medicine dispensers
– babbles during car rides
– hates practicing to walk but likes walking around the perimeter of furniture on his own
– is completely aware of all his surroundings + everything that is going on around him. Loves studying things for long periods of time
– likes to stick his fingers through any hole he can find
– never stops moving
– is extremely loved 

and then he said “mama”

April 27, 2015

Hey Jude / Photographs


These photos are great representations of the difference between our morning energy levels. He wakes up bright and early ready to get his move on, I wake up ready to sit in a heap until I can muster up some sort of movement. Jude prefers to spend his mornings, climbing in and out of things, standing up and down, crashing toy cars, banging his maraca while crawling back and forth on the hardwood floors … I however, a little bit slower moving, prefer to lazily make breakfast, lay in bed, sleep. So every morning when I hear the waking babbles of my Juder-bug at the modest hour of 6:00 a.m., I’ll quietly lay in bed with the smallest of hopes that he will again be quiet and find sleep once more even if just for fifteen minutes longer . This morning was different, however. Yes, it was still very early and yes, I did still awake to the sweet morning coos of the baby Jude. But this morning, he distinctly called out “mama?” “mmmmm.” “mamamamama?”. A first word! And a “mama” at that! This morning his “mama” gave me all the energy I could ever need plus more.