Category Archives: Our Home

Celebrating The Everyday

June 1, 2017

Our Home / SImple

Miniature bud vases and woven basket are both from the White Company. It is so easy for me to get lost in the day, to get caught up in the motions, to just try and get through it. I came across this quote the other day ….

“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort.”  Humphry Davy

It’s so easy to forget that all the small moments we experience everyday can actually bring joy if  we let them. Embracing mundane chores and letting “have to’s” become “get to’s”. Slowing down and letting myself just be in the moment instead of focusing on what is next. Celebrating the everyday for what it is. Not because each day is some spectacular big production, but appreciating everyday for what it is and finding peace and contentment in that. I’ve partnered with The White Company, who are opening their first store in New York on June 15th, (check out more info here) to help share this exact message … And what better reminder than their mantra “Perfect Simplicity”.

Jude and I have been visiting out local farmers market every Saturday for the last month or so. We’ve been getting enough vegetables, fruits, eggs, and bread, which has been significantly cutting down the amount of times we’ve needed to stop by the grocery store …. something definitely worth celebrating in my book! We’ve also been getting a small bunch of wildflowers to display around the house. The simple beauty of a delicate wildflower placed in those little glass bottles makes me smile as I’m heading from room to room picking up toys or making beds …. It’s nothing big or monumental but it makes all the difference.

Miniature bud vases and woven basket are both from the White Company.

things that work

March 8, 2015

Our Home

top half
bottom hlaf

Let’s us get back to this house rearranging business already, shall we?! Onto the kitchen. Really, the only big change we made in here was swapping out our tiny island for a large one. I was really worried about this, afraid that it would look funny coming out so far in to the walkway making the space feel awkward … However, it works just perfectly. I wish I could have captured it better, but I was struggling to get a picture of the kitchen area that looks as it does in real life, probably because it is so incredibly narrow making it so stinking hard to photograph. Unfortunately, for now, these pictures will have to do. Getting back to the point … I love this island for the price because it creates a ton of prep space in our otherwise counter-less kitchen. Also, I love that it has tons of storage for ugly kitchen stuff on the one side but is covered on the side that faces towards our living space, making the overall feel a whole lot less cluttered. Next and last is the living room which has been and still is a slow work in progress. We aren’t making any huge life changing alterations in there, but more of a switching up certain corners and walls … Parts of the room that were looking a little tired. Anyway, that’s coming soon.

Jude’s new room hereThe new master bedroom here  

the wall of days past

February 24, 2015

Our Home


it only seemed fitting to add a memento to the year 2014 upon our wall since, to date, it has been the most memorable year yet. so many changes and new beginnings happened in those recently past 365 days for our family – we all wanted not to forget – a little reminder of the journey we took to get where we are today. i love these memorieslab prints placed here for that reason. a few times a day i look up at all the captured moments displayed on the previously blank white canvas and remember the memory each photo holds for a moment. it’s almost like an oversized photo album but always on display. i’m thinking of making this a tradition … at the end of each year, adding a few new memories collected in those months up on the wall …

farewell, dining room – hello, bedroom

February 10, 2015

Our Home

bedroom 00
bedroom 02

alright, you guys … here is the finished bedroom. for some reason, this was the hardest room in our place to figure out and design. it was hard for me to see past what felt like a bed half stuck in our old storage space and coming into what use to be our dining room. i seriously bought like five-hundred things for this space and returned almost all of them. however, as it came together, i really started to love our new bedroom and have truthfully come to adore it more than the old. it feels a little bit more grown up and put together than before. the idea of transitioning a dining room/office/storage space into a bedroom seemed strange to us at first and one of my biggest worries was how it would flow with the rest of the house …  i was worried that making our dining room a bedroom just wouldn’t make sense. i’m happy to report … as it turns out, it totally does. who knew?

i covered up one of the windows with a geometric rug that sort of acts as a stand in headboard for the bed. usually i would say covering up a window is a huge no-no … i mean you always want more natural light, not less … right?? but seriously, it was the single biggest thing that made the largest difference in defining and bringing the rest of the space together. i mixed a few different masculine and feminine patterns for the pillow cases that brought out the colors in the rug, added some warm metallic accents, brought in a bench for the end of the bed, added a few accessories, and bam! there you have it. just like that, it suddenly became a bedroom.   

juder bug’s room completed

February 5, 2015

Hey Jude / Our Home


besides a few small details, our home is pretty much done being rearranged and changed … including little juder’s new bedroom. we are all really pleased with how it turned out. i may still move a few things around, but for the most part it’s good to go. we kept it really simple, leaving the majority of the space as a play area that we can easily move around in. most of the things we just moved from his old room to his new room, but we added a few things from around the house that jude was really fond of as well as a few new pieces to freshen up the space. i can’t tell you what a relief it is to have this all done … #nomoreprojectsplease