photos – from – our – oscar – party – 2014

March 6, 2014



every year since we were old enough to care, we’ve celebrated the oscars with my mom in style … well, at least the cuisine always is anyway. the story was no different this year. we gathered around the coffee table with chocolate fondu, chocolate chip cookies, pot stickers, fresh chips and salsa, deviled eggs, and one can never forget the sparkling water with a lime … or two … or three. it has become one of those traditions that our family looks forward to all year … even kramer gets all worked up over it.

do you have any fun oscar traditions? i would love to hear them if you would like to share. 

11 thoughts on “photos – from – our – oscar – party – 2014

  1. tina bumblebee

    Ahhh I'm so jealous, looks like such fun! Also, now I'm craving chips and salsa haha. I've actually never done anything for the Oscars before but I definitely should next year

  2. Samantha Heather

    I love that you all do this. Being in Australia, the Oscars airs 12pm on Monday which isn't the most glamourous time of day to have a party. Before I started working full time though my mother and I would clear up our schedule, close the blinds and snuggle under a blanket as we watched the stars and starlets walk the red carpet and accept their awards. I always make sure I watch it – I've watched every one since before I can remember. Award season is one of my favourite times of the year.

    1. admin Post author

      Samantha, I really loved reading this! I think that is so awesome … what a cool tradition! thank you for sharing:)

      xoxo, Sara

  3. Jes Cohen

    It's pretty cool how you celebrate the Oscars as such, but like what Samantha said above, I also wouldn't throw a gathering for this event, it being a ridiculous time and day and all, but otherwise I love what you done with the day and it definitely sounds chilled.

    Jes | Naturally Jes


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